Dixie Belle Clean as a Whistle

Dixie Belle Clean as a Whistle

  • $15.00
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Clean as a Whistle is a brush cleaner and conditioner that removes build-up and dried paint from brushes.

This product is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, no VOC, biodegradable, and non-flammable.

Please note: must be used in a chemical-resistant plastic, glass, or ceramic container


  • Clean As A Whistle is a cleaner and brush conditioner that removes build-up and dried paint from brushes.
  • First, clean the brush with water to remove any paint.
  • Use 50% water and 50% Clean As A Whistle for use on brushes with regular built-up paint and product. Put hard brushes that have heavy build-up in the full concentrate of solution.
  • Swish paintbrushes in the solution until the paint is loosened. Allow hard brushes to soak.
  • Wash with soap and water and then reshape and allow to air dry.
  • This product is environmentally friendly, non-toxic, no VOC, biodegradable, and non-flammable.
  • Oil based brush cleaner for wet or dried on paint
  • If there is an oily residue leftover you should clean with a degreasing soap
  • The product can be diluted with water
  • non-toxic
  • cleaner and reconditioner